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Healthy Living

Waking up early in the morning is an important step to spend the day more productive and energised. This habit provides many benefits in terms of both physical and mental health. Here are the importance and benefits of starting the day early
Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin that is vital for the human body. This vitamin, whose scientific name is pyridoxine, plays a key role in various metabolic processes in the body.
Vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a critical role in the energy production of cells. This vitamin, one of the cornerstones of metabolism, is vital in the conversion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy.
Water is the source of life and forms an important part of the human body. However, the benefits of water are often overlooked. In this article, we will discuss in detail the positive effects of drinking water on our health and our daily water requirement.
Deficiency of water-soluble vitamin B12, which is vital for our brain and body, can lead to problems such as memory loss, concentration problems, fatigue, depression and nerve damage.
Vitamin B3 is a soluble vitamin that is vital for our health. This nutrient, also known as niacin, is an essential part of many chemical reactions that keep our bodies functioning properly.
B2 vitamini, günlük hayatımızdaki yerini ne kadar hak ediyor? Riboflavin olarak da tanınan bu su içinde çözünebilen vitamin, bedenimizin enerji üretiminde kritik bir role sahiptir ve adeta sağlık ve canlılığın gizli kahramanıdır.
Bu makalede vitamin nedir ne işe yarar ve tğm vitamin listesiyle birlikte vitaminleri öğreniyoruz.
Unlock the secrets of Vitamin B1: its critical roles, deficiency signs, and rich food sources. Elevate your health with this essential nutrient.
Night blindness, medically known as "nyctalopia", is characterised by impaired visual adaptation in dim light or darkness. This condition is caused by inadequate adaptation of the person's eyes to night or low light conditions.
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