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Consuming herbal tea and coffee during pregnancy


Pregnancy is a period that requires extra attention in terms of nutrition and health for expectant mothers. During this period, there are various restrictions and recommendations for both caffeine consumption and herbal teas. Below, you can find information about herbal tea and coffee consumption during pregnancy that I have compiled from reliable sources.

Herbal Teas

Some herbal teas and fruits that can be consumed during pregnancy can help alleviate common pregnancy complaints, especially nausea, digestive problems and insomnia. For example, apple and apple peel compote can prevent nausea; lemon balm tea can help with stress and sleep problems related to hormonal changes; acerola cherry can strengthen the immune system with its high vitamin C content.

However, there are also herbal teas that should not be consumed during pregnancy. Teas such as sage, senna, basil, raspberry and linseed are not recommended because they can increase uterine contractions and increase the risk of miscarriage.

Which herbal teas can be consumed during pregnancy?

Some herbal teas that can be consumed during pregnancy and the benefits of these teas are listed below. These teas can help alleviate common ailments during pregnancy, but it is important to consult your doctor before consuming any herbal tea regularly.

  1. Apple and Apple Peel Compote
    • Benefits: Prevents nausea, heartburn and heartburn.
  2. Lemon Balm Tea
    • Benefits: Relaxes the nerves, especially helps expectant mothers who have difficulty falling asleep, reduces stress and anxiety.
  3. Acerola Cherry
    • Benefits: Strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of viral diseases and the risk of miscarriage, strengthens the uterine muscles.
  4. Rosehip Tea
    • Benefits: It is rich in vitamin C, strengthens the immune system, good for cough. It can be consumed limited to 1 glass a day.
  5. Linden Tea
    • Benefits: It is good for problems such as cough, sore throat and flu. There is no harm in drinking 1 glass a day.

Remember that these teas can provide natural support against various ailments encountered during pregnancy.

However, it is important to consult your doctor before starting to consume any herbal teas, especially if you have a particular health problem or are taking any prescription medication. Professional guidance on nutrition and health issues during pregnancy is essential, which will take into account your personal situation.

Herbal teas that should not be consumed during pregnancy and reasons

During pregnancy, the consumption of certain herbal teas is particularly important because they can have a negative effect on the foetus or cause health problems. Below you can find herbal teas that should not be consumed during pregnancy and possible reasons for this.

  1. Island Stream
    • Causes: May affect oestrogen levels, increase uterine contractions and increase the risk of miscarriage .
  2. Cassia Tea
    • Causes: It has a laxative effect and can cause uterine contractions, which can increase the risk of premature birth or miscarriage .
  3. Chamomile Tea
    • Causes: It can trigger uterine contractions and lead to miscarriage or premature birth. It can also thin the blood due to its coumarin content .
  4. Thyme Tea
    • Causes: Contains strong active ingredients and may cause miscarriage. Regular consumption is not recommended.
  5. Liquorice Root
    • Causes: It can increase blood pressure and trigger contractions in the uterus, which can increase the risk of miscarriage or premature birth.
  6. Dandelion
    • Reasons: It has a diuretic effect and may cause electrolyte imbalance, there is also insufficient scientific safety data.
  7. Fennel Tea
    • Reasons: Although some sources recommend limited consumption, there are also opinions that caution should be exercised due to potential hormone effects.
  8. Raspberry Leaf
    • Reasons: May trigger uterine contractions, so it is usually recommended close to labour, but should be avoided in early pregnancy.

It is important to consult your doctor before consuming any herbal tea, as the consumption of these herbal teas may pose risks, especially during certain periods of pregnancy. To stay safe and healthy during pregnancy, it is best to follow the guidance of your doctor or a health professional in matters of nutrition and health. Before you start consuming any herbal tea, it is important to get information about the potential risks and benefits and make decisions that best suit your personal health condition.

Drinking coffee and other caffeinated drinks during pregnancy

It is important to be careful about caffeine consumption during pregnancy. Excessive caffeine consumption can lead to problems such as low birth weight, risk of miscarriage, regression in the baby’s brain development. For this reason, daily caffeine intake should be limited to 200 mg, especially after the first 3 months of pregnancy. This corresponds to approximately 2-4 cups of tea or 2 cups of coffee. However, drinking coffee during pregnancy is not completely prohibited; it can be consumed in limited amounts of up to 1 cup per day.

General Nutrition Recommendations during Pregnancy

A healthy and balanced diet during pregnancy is vital for the health of the baby and the mother. Meat, dairy products, eggs, cereals, fruits and vegetables should be consumed in a balanced way. 5-6 portions of vegetables and fruits, 5-6 portions of cereals, 3 portions of milk and dairy products, 2 portions of meat and similar foods should be taken.

The consumption of herbal tea and coffee during pregnancy can vary according to individual health conditions and doctor’s recommendations. Therefore, it is best to consult a health professional, especially if you are unsure about certain herbal teas or caffeinated drinks. Remember that every pregnancy is unique and follow your doctor’s advice to protect your health and the health of your baby.

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