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How Should Nutrition Be Before and After Sports?


For those who play sports, nutrition is vital to improve performance and speed up recovery. Here is a guide to nutrition before and after sport.

Pre-Sport Nutrition

What to Eat Before Doing Sports?

Pre-workout nutrition can affect your energy levels, endurance, focus and speed. Here are some suggestions on what to eat before exercising:

  1. Carbohydrates – energise and exercise muscles.
  2. Protein – Supports muscle growth and repair.
  3. Fats – provide energy for prolonged and low-intensity exercise.

When Should I Eat Before Exercising?

The ideal time to eat before exercising depends on what type of exercise you “re going to do and your personal preferences. As a general rule, eating a large meal 2-3 hours before exercising is ideal.

Nutrition After Sports

What to Eat After Exercise?

Post-workout nutrition can accelerate muscle repair and rebuilding, replenish energy levels and speed up overall recovery. Here are some suggestions on what to eat after exercising:

  1. Carbohydrates – replenish your energy stores.
  2. Protein – Promotes muscle repair and growth.
  3. Fats – Can accelerate overall recovery.

When Should I Eat After Working Out?

The ideal time to eat after exercising depends on what type of exercise you “re doing and your personal preferences. As a general rule, it “s ideal to eat something within 30-45 minutes after exercise.

Water Consumption

How Much Water Should I Drink Before and After Exercise?

How much water you should drink before and after exercising depends on what type of exercise you are doing, how much you sweat and your personal preferences. As a general rule, it “s ideal to drink at least 500 ml of water before exercise. After exercise, it may be necessary to drink more water to replace lost fluids.

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